So we missed a few weeks. Maybe this will make it up to you!

Every morning, after he eats, Eamon likes to play on his back on the mat thing that our friends Matt and April, and their daughter, Lily, loaned to us. He seems especially attached to a frog and gives it lots of smiles and coos. Finally caught a great smile this morning!
As of December 20th Eamon was 13.05 lbs and 24 inches so we're thinking he must be at least 14 lbs by now. He also got shots that day, and I'll just say he wasn't the only one who cried.
Eamon continues to astound with the new things he can do! Among them: fly on airplanes, agreeably have his diaper changed in the middle of a row while descending into Detroit, meet lots of new family and friends, accept a bottle from his almost 5 year old cousin, Audrey, play with great grand parents, watch Hannukah and Christmas presents be opened for him, be overstimulated and cry like crazy, go to bed a 9 pm, sleep in his crib at night for hours on end, sleep in his crib during the day for minutes on end, smile at you (sometimes) and frogs and doggie rattles (all the time), stare at toys, hold on to toys, and shake toys (evidence of this one below).
We look forward to posting a bit more about the holidays, but for now, this is the latest.

As for the rest of us, we're doing well. Rory's been an attorney for almost a whole year! I'm gearing up for an internship starting next week that will keep me moving towards my certificate in Parenting Education. The cats are mischivious and have figured out how to drink from the toilet, jump up on top of our cabinets, and pull apart my knitting basket - all conveniently done the moment I sit down to nurse Eamon. Sigh. Poor kitties, though. Now that Eamon enjoys/tolerates sitting in his chair (again on loan from Matt, April and Lily) they no longer have their prefered resting spot....