I've been trying to do a lot with music while we're down here - reading a little on basic music theory, playing guitar almost every day, and (luckily) playing piano some too. Can't say I'm anxious to upload any actual singing, but I have been working on a translation of a pretty famous American song that I thought I should share.
"Cacahuate encontre"
(sung to the tune of "Found a Peanut")
Cacahuate, cacahuate, cacahuate encontre
Anoche cacahuate, cacahuate encontre
Fue podrido, fue podrido, fue podrido lo que encontre
Anoche fue podrido, fue podrido lo que encontre
Si lo comi, si lo comi, si lo comi, lo hice
Anoche si lo comi, si lo comi, lo hice
.... It goes on, but I haven't worked out the right words for the rhythm yet in the later versus. Ha ha. (Erica didn't think it was very funny when I sang it to her, but for some reason it cracks me up to do it. For those translating at home, "encontre" should have a tilde over the final e, "aun" over the u - I think - and "comi" and "si" over the i, but I'm not sure how to do it here.)
Also, here's a picture from our dinner - Gerardo took it, so you can't see him, but Andres and Jorge appear in living color. I look sad because for some reason I don' t have any pizza.
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